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EACC Italy

How it began

"New City" Milano


In 2021, a delegation of EACC members from Cincinnati (Ohio, USA) visited Italy to learn about the country's culture and business environment, and explore business development opportunities. One of the outcomes of this visit was an interest in creating an Italian chapter of the EACC.

On March 20th, 2025 the EACC Network will be hosting our EACC Italy launch event in Milano, where we will introduce our founding members, and share the immense opportunities that the EACC represents to local Italian, American and other European businesses seeking to expand and/or grow transatlantically.

EACC Network Evolution

The European American Chamber of Commerce is a network of transatlantic business executives that began in 1926 with the formation of the Paris chapter. Initially referred to as the French-American Chamber of Commerce, it became the European-American Chamber of Commerce in 2003. The first chapter in the United States was formed in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 2007 followed by the New York City chapter in 2008.

Today, the EACC is 8 chapters on both continents, with Cincinnati, New York, Texas, Carolinas and Florida in the USA and Paris, Auvergne Rhone-Alpes (Lyon) and the Netherlands in Europe, with Italy launching in Spring 2025.

As a growth network, the EACC plans to add chapters in key cities going forward.

EACC Netwrok History
EACC chapters are self-funded non-governmental organizations. They are funded by businesses, through membership contributions and sponsorships, to benefit businesses, though information-sharing, education and opportunities for connection. There is no government financing or influence involved.

About EACC Italy

The Italian Chapter of the European American Chamber of Commerce, will:

  • Connect: between business leaders, between operating companies and key service providers, between business and academia
  • Support: for economic development and foreign direct investment agencies as an extension of their efforts
  • Provide Breadth of perspective: EU vs bilateral single-nation chambers

Why Italy: EACC Cincinnati, the chapter that has spearheaded this initiative, has many Italian company members, so there is already a strong connection. In addition, the business landscape of Northern Italy – and the Milano area – strongly resembles that of Cincinnati, and good connections were made during the 2021 EACC Cincinnati delegation visit to Italy. Italy is also one of Europe’s leading economies with a strong – and long – history of manufacturing and innovation. Lastly, the EACC, as an action-oriented non-partisan organization, will impactfully help and support Italy’s economy through strategy and practical support of member businesses.

Learn More

Contact Us

in the USA
Nicole Fenyo

Nicole Fenyo
Executive Director, EACC Cincy
+1 513-225-3948

in the USA
Antonio Pagano - round

Antonio Pagano
Board Chair, EACC Cincy
+1 207-440-7112

Giulio Cerioli - rnd

Giulio Cerioli
Managing Partner NEXUS Avvocati e Commercialisti
Executive Director ad Interim EACC Italy

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